June 2015: 10 Most Popular Posts from Images Photo Gallery
The only region in Italy two names - Basilicata, however, is the officially recognized one - is a land where the history of nature and man have left important traces from the time when the land emerged from the sea. Formerly known as Lucania, from "Lucus" Latin because forested land or because Liky populated by ancient
2.- Abruzzo (Italy) has a strong attraction for tourists.
Abruzzo is located in central Italy, stretching from the heart of the Apennines to the Adriatic Sea, on a mainly mountainous and wild land. The mountainous inland is occupied by a vast plateau whose highest peaks are the Gran Sasso (2,912 m) and Mount Majella (2,793 m). The Adriatic coastliine
3.- 12 Wonderful Photos of Enchanted Nature
Bend In The Yangtze River, China source Dead Horse Mill, Crystal Colorado source Enchanted Forest, Bavaria, Germany source Fairytale Tree Tunnel, Ireland source Alishan Mountains, Taiwan Image by -kent- via Flickr Grand Canyon Skywalk, Arizona source Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada source Kastellorizo, Greece, Mediterranean source Lake Brienz – Switzerland
4.- Rome: Ancient Supercity [Infographic].
![Rome: Ancient Supercity [Infographic].](http://lh5.ggpht.com/-cCHIJ8JHrKU/VMbQXsigSMI/AAAAAAAADyY/HvQU2CYEul4/s72-c/rome%252520ancient%252520supercity_thumb%25255B2%25255D.jpg?imgmax=800)
An infographic about the city of Rome - Ancient Supercity. Rome is a city and special comune (named "Roma Capitale") in Italy. Rome is the capital of Italy and also of the Province of Rome and of the region of Lazio. With 2.9 million residents in 1,285.3 km2 (496.3 sq mi), it is also the country's largest and most populated comune and fourth-most populous city in the European Union by
5.- The 15 Craziest Things in Nature You Wont Believe Actually Exist.

Mother Nature is beautiful and amazing because we can see many amazing stuff like these 15 things that you won’t believe they actually exist. All these places are real. It is hard to believe in that, but that is true. 1. Volcanic lightning aka “dirty thunderstorms.” 2. Frozen air bubbles in Abraham Lake. 3. Underground natural springs in Mexico. 4. Giant crystal cave in Nacia, Mexico.
6.- Cute Baby Elephants: Born to Be Wild! (Photos).

Elephants are some of the most spectacular animals on Earth, and baby elephants are especially adorable. They should spend their early years playing, learning, and bonding with their families, but circuses such as Ringling Bros. rip babies away from their mothers and force them to perform cruel and unnatural tricks. Here
7.- 130 Suspended Toy Guns Form a Map of the USA.

Artist Michael Murphy is back with yet another clever yet controversial piece! (Who could forget the assault rifle made up of 1200 ping pong balls?) For the open art competition ArtPrize this year, he's created Gun Country, a site specific installation that consists of 130 toy guns. The large installation can currently be found on the terrace of the Urban Institute for
8.- “String Theory” Thread Sculptures by Gabriel Dawe

I never took to knitting. One reason may be that it is accepted that you will have to rip out rows at some point in the process. This alone drives me up a tree. I never let perfection be the enemy of the good and knitting just doesn’t work that way. I’d never have made it on the prairie. Mexican artist Gabriel Dawe spins a yarn with these exciting sculptures. Beautiful and precise.
9.- Argentina Discovery: Route 40 explained section by section.

Southern section. Starting point: Neuquén. Rio Negro. Chubut. Santa Cruz. Southern center. Mendoza. San Juan. La Rioja. Route 40 extends over 5000 kilometers in Argentina and unites some of the most beautiful and famous country territories. The trail crosses the Cuyo, North and Patagonia. It passes through 11 provinces, twenty National Parks and Reserves, 13
10.- Artist of the Week: Digital Art Master George Redreev

1. Mermaid will soon become a mother Image source A mermaid and her long awaited child. A beautiful image that embraces the love of a mother for her offspring. Who would’ve thought that at the bottom of the ocean, those two cute beings will start a life full of adventure. If you look closely, you can notice that her baby will have at least 3 or 4 brothers and sisters, that will grow up